At Aqua we recognise the extensive need for affordable homes, due to an ever-growing population. We are proud to have provided many new developments to social landlords helping to support the local communities within Gloucestershire.
In the 20+ years since our foundation we have built an extensive network of landowner contacts, delivering land-led opportunities to take to registered housing providers. Long-term relationships with architects and other consultants allow us to offer comprehensive land and build packages, with proven success dealing with planning and technical matters, reducing the overall length of a project’s programme to a successful completion.
A key aspect of our business is developing our own sites for private sales, so we have gained much experience in meeting the challenges faced by housing associations when developing new sites in Gloucestershire. Our clients appreciate us bringing this knowledge to their projects, particularly those who are more used to Section 106 developments. This expertise is particularly useful in helping provide the information needed to release funds from sources such as Homes England.
Aqua’s extensive experience of delivering affordable homes has given us a keen understanding of how to be successful within the sector. We have therefore established a longstanding supply chain of key supplier and sub-contractor partners that are used to working together, focussed on delivering high quality homes, within challenging budgets, for all tenures.
“Aqua have been the perfect contractor to work with. They are attentive, responsive and proactive and produce an amazing product, that all our customers are proud to call home. In our most recent development at St James Close everyone was overwhelmed with the quality of work and design and couldn’t talk more highly of the scheme. We even had tears!” – Robert Panou, Head of Development, Gloucester City Homes.
Michael Hill, executive director of customer experience at GCH said: “It is a proud moment for GCH to launch Northgate Mansions at such a key site in the city. Truly affordable housing like this improves health and education outcomes and enhances overall community stability and well-being. And because these homes are right in the city centre, with rail and transport links literally on the doorstep, they are ideal for modern, sustainable living. These new homes will open doors for employment inside and outside the city.”
Mark Ramdehal, head of development at Rooftop Housing Group: “We are proud to be making a difference in Bishop’s Cleeve; this is our second redevelopment within the area in the last three years and signifies our ongoing commitment to providing quality, sustainable, energy-efficient affordable housing for the local community.
“It’s another opportunity for us to work with local building contractor Aqua Construction, and we’d also like to thank both Tewkesbury Borough Council and Homes England, who have provided grant funding to support the delivery of the scheme.”